Nisslé, Boris

Head of HV Laboratories, MGC Moser Glaser, Switzerland

Nisslé, Boris

Head of HV Laboratories, MGC Moser Glaser, Switzerland


1. Best Practices for Bushing Installation & Diagnostics

2. Simplifying Interchangeability of Transformer Bushings through Dimensional Standardization: IEC Work in Progress

Mr. Nisslé graduated with a Master of Sciences from the TUD (Technische Universität Darmstadt) and an Engineering Degree from ENSEA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique et de ses Applications). He joined MGC Moser-Glaser in 2011 in the R&D Department where he was responsible for the electrical, thermal and mechanical design of capacitive-graded RIP bushings. He has organized and attended all types of tests performed on transformer bushings for over 12 years and has been involved in different bushing and busbar failure investigations once he became Head of the HV-laboratories in 2018. He has been a member of IEC Working Groups TC36/SC36A, JWG7, JMT9 and JAHG8 since 2019.