Adekitan, Aderibigbe
Technical Product Manager, Tridelta Meidensha, GermanyFEM-Based Analysis of Voltage Profile Across Metal Oxide Blocks of a 435 kV Arrester (in English)
Dr.-Ing Adekitan received his M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, specializing in Power Systems Engineering, and later completed his Ph.D. in the field of Lightning and Surge Protection in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Technische Universität of Ilmenau in Germany.... » READ MORE
Ahlrot, Claes
Head of Asset Development, Senior Specialist High Voltage Systems, E.ON Energidistribution, SwedenMr. Ahlrot received his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. He started at Sydkraft Konsult and then worked for different consulting companies before joining E.ON Energidistribution in 2007 as Specialist in high voltage systems.... » READ MORE
Al-Saifi, Abdul Rahim
Power System Stands & Technology Engineer, Petroleum Development Oman, OmanMr. Abdul Rahim Al-Saifi received a BENG (Hons) Degree in Electrical Power Engineering from the Caledonian College of Engineering and has worked at Petroleum Development Oman since 2002. He is a specialist in overhead lines in terms of review and approval of transmission and distribution design.... » READ MORE
Álvarez, Wilbert
Deputy Director O&M, Chaglla HPP, PeruMr. Álvarez has a degree in Electrical Mechanical Engineering from the National University of the Altiplano in Peru, and completed doctoral studies in Electrical Mechanical Engineering. He has a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and an MBA specializing in Power Plant Management from the Institute of Electrotechnics and Energy of the University of São Paulo (Brazil),... » READ MORE
Ambrosone, Alfonso
Senior Product Manager – On-line DGA & Bushing Monitoring for Transformers, GE Grid Solutions, ItalyBushing Technologies & Monitoring: Best Practice for Reliable Asset Management (in English)
Mr. Ambrosone, who has over 27 years of experience in the field of online transformer monitoring, holds a degree in Analytical Instrumentation and Controls. His career began with Syprotec, then further evolved within GE, where he specialized in dissolved gas analysis using Hydran technology.... » READ MORE
Andreotti, Amedeo
Professor, University of Naples Federico II, ItalyUnderstanding Role & Advantages of Shield Wire on Overhead Distribution Lines (in English)
Prof. Andreotti, Sr Member of IEEE, received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University Federico II in Naples, Italy. He is author or co-author of more than 200 scientific publications in reviewed journals as well as at international conferences.... » READ MORE
Aravena, Marcela
Partner, INGTEGRAL Servicios de Ingeniería, ChileMs. Aravena graduated as a Structural Civil Engineer from Universidad de Chile and also holds a Masters in Business Administration from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has over 30 years of professional experience in Chilean electric power transmission,... » READ MORE
Arrigoni, Ricardo
Business Development Manager, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, GermanyMr. Arrigoni has over 20 years experience in the transformer industry as well as in the bushing and accessory business. He started his career working for Siemens Power Transformers Brazil in the Mechanical Design Department for large power transformers. Subsequently, he moved to Comem Brazil in Technical Sales for components.... » READ MORE
Asto Soto, Samuel Arturo
Transmission Line Coordinator, Power Grid of Peru, PeruChair Session 9: Evaluación del entorno de servicio de líneas aéreas/subestaciones y optimización del rendimiento del aislador en entornos contaminados
Mr. Asto Soto is an Electrical Engineer, graduated in 2000 from the National University of the Center of Peru (UNCP 2000) with a Masters of Business Administration from the University Ricardo Palma.... » READ MORE
Brady, James
President, Level-III CIT, Brady Infrared Inspections, United StatesMr. Brady has more than 17 years of experience in all aspects of thermal imaging of electrical systems and has expertise to design projects, provide technical oversight of field technicians and approve final reports to clients.... » READ MORE
Cantor Huérfano, Elkin Leonardo
Reliability & Operations Development Team, ISA Intercolombia, ColombiaProactive Bushings Management: A Tool for More Reliable Power Transformers & Reactors (in English)
Mr. Cantor has a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad de los Andes as well as a Master’s Degree in Data Science from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. He has had more than 13 years of experience analyzing the condition of electrical substation equipment with the objective of increasing the useful life,... » READ MORE
Cardenas, David
Product Manager, Prolec-Celeco, MexicoMr. Cárdenas received a B.S. from UANL University and an MBA in Energy from EOI School in Madrid,... » READ MORE
Carreira, A. J. (Tony)
President, K-Line Insulators, CanadaEvolution of Polymer Insulators: Experience in Canada (in English)
Mr. Carreira received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and held engineering and management positions at a major electric utility before becoming President of K-Line Insulators. He serves on committees in CIGRE, IEC, CSA and IEEE and, with 40 years industry experience,... » READ MORE
Céspedes G., Renato H.
CEO & Partner, RConsulting Group, ColombiaSupporting Smart Grid Technology for a Sustainable Energy Transition (in English)
Dr. Céspedes has experience in strategic assessment of power system operations and technologies, regulations, procedures and tools that help utilities to develop, operate and maintain more reliable and efficient power systems. This includes analysis and operational issues, Smart Grid concepts and automation systems with SCADA/energy management systems such as communication systems and distribution management system functions,... » READ MORE
Chisholm, William
T&D Consultant, CanadaDr. Chisholm is an expert in the effects of adverse weather on overhead power lines, including lightning and grounding, icing on insulators and thermal rating. He has been an IEEE Fellow for a decade – a distinction given after his long career at Ontario Hydro and Kinectrics.... » READ MORE