Speakers & Topics

(as of September 10, 2024)

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Haro López, Neymer

Transmission Line Specialist, Red de Energía del Perú, Peru

Analyzing Insulation Performance of Transmission Lines under IEC 60815: Experience in Peru
(in English)

Mr. Haro López is an electrical engineer graduated from the National University of Engineering in Peru. He also has international diplomas in maintenance and reliability, a Master’s Degree in Electrical Energy Management and an Executive MBA from Westfield Business School....  » READ MORE

Hoffman, Jesse

Engineering Manager, Energy Systems Group, United States

Surge Protection Against Temporary Overvoltages in Microgrids (in English)

Mr. Hoffman is an Engineering Manager with Energy Systems Group, a leading energy services provider that specializes in energy efficiency, resiliency, and infrastructure modernization. His expertise spans from design and implementation to management and development of power generation, critical power and renewable energy projects for federal,...  » READ MORE

Jonsson, Lars

Company Senior Specialist, Hitachi Energy, Components, Sweden

Understanding the Impact & How Best to Manage Biofouling on Outdoor Insulation (in English)

Mr. Jonsson has 35 years of professional experience working with high voltage bushings. This includes design, research & development, engineering solutions, applications, and testing. During the past two decades, he has been actively involved in developing methodologies and interpretation guidelines for condition assessments....  » READ MORE

Jooste, Frans

Sr. Engineer, Distribution Solutions, Eskom Research, Testing & Development, South Africa

Correlating Site Pollution Severity When Assessing Natural Ageing & Pollution Performance: Original Versus Newly Relocated Koeberg Insulator Pollution Test Station (in English)

Mr. Jooste’s professional career has involved over 20 years in management, research, testing and development of power system technologies and standards. He also has over a decade of experience in the field of HV insulator research and application during which he investigated field failures and authored insulator-related engineering instructions for implementation....  » READ MORE

Justo, Luiz Fernando

Transmission Line Maintenance Coordinator, ISA CTEEP, Brazil

Influence of Birds on Insulation of Transmission Lines (in Spanish)

Mr. Justo is an Electrical and Mechanical Production Engineer, graduated in 1993, who specializes in Quality and Productivity (1995), Occupational Safety (1997) and also holds an MBA in Project Management. With 37 years of professional experience, he has worked in management, planning, and execution of maintenance at high and extra high voltage substations and on transmission lines and has also served as a Lead Auditor in Quality and Environment....  » READ MORE

Kaur, Harpreet

Collaborator, ASAsoft (Canada), Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, Canada

Interpreting Electrical Insulation Behaviour of Silicone & EPDM Polymers: Spectroscopic Monitoring of Molecular Structure Under Varying Electrical Stress (in English)

Dr. Kaur earned her M.Tech. in Polymer Science and Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, where her thesis focused on polymer/elastomer/clay nanocomposites. She then completed her PhD at the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar in 2022,...  » READ MORE

Kortajarena, Aitor

Director, TECNALIA Electrical Labs, Spain

Lessons from Two Decades of Experience Commissioning Testing HV Power Cables (in English and also in Spanish)

Mr. Kortajarena received his M. S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of the Basque Country in Spain. He has been leading the onsite testing activities since 2002, mainly including diagnosis of large rotating machines at power plants and commissioning tests of high voltage cables....  » READ MORE

Lavandoscki, Rogério

Transmission Line Project Coordinator, ISA Cia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista (CTEEP), Brazil

Importance of Identifying Type & Level of Contamination When Specifying Ideal Transmission Line Insulation (in Spanish)

Mr. Lavandoscki has an MBA in the Electrical Sector from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, a Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Methodist University of Piracicaba....  » READ MORE

Leman, Jon

Chief Engineering & Technology Officer, CLEARWATER Power Company, United States

Advances in Applying Electromagnetic Principles to Optimize Overhead Transmission Lines (in English)

Dr. Leman earned his Master’s Degree from the University of Idaho and his PhD from Washington State University. Prior tp joining Clearwater Power, he served as Sr Project Engineer at POWER Engineers, where his responsibilities included leading engineering teams and performing studies for design and analysis of energy infrastructure....  » READ MORE

Leufkens, Paul

Principal, Leufkens Power Projects, United States

Power Cable Challenges & Solutions for Renewable Energy: Construction, Installation & Quality Assurance (in English)

Chair Session 8: Latest Knowledge & Experience in Testing & Condition Assessment of Power Cables & Accessories

Mr. Leufkens holds an MS EE Degree from Delft Technical University in the Netherlands and has had more than 20 years’ experience as an executive in the power sector....  » READ MORE