Speakers & Topics

(as of September 10, 2024)

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Löfås, Henrik

Product Specialist, Hitachi Energy, Sweden

Mitigating Risk Through Transient Protection of Transformer Bushings When Using Online Monitoring (in English)

Dr. Löfås earned his PhD and a M. Sc. Degrees from Uppsala University, Sweden and has had 10 years professional experience in the area of bushings, including design, R&D, engineering solutions and testing. He started as a scientist in the corporate research organization and later moved to engineering where he has been closely involved in failure investigations and questions related to condition assessment of aged bushings....  » READ MORE

Mariano Cabello, Isidoro

Maintenance Coordinator, Atlántica Perú, Peru

Evaluating Performance of RTV Silicone-Coated Glass Insulators in Very High Pollution Environments: Experience in Peru (in Spanish)

Mr. Mariano is an electrical engineer from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Peru. He has over 10 years of experience in maintenance of electrical systems in mining and high-voltage power transmission with focus on transmission lines located in areas with a high degree of environmental contamination and corrosive environments....  » READ MORE

Massardo, Jorge

LatAm Development Manager, Hepta Insights, Chile

Comparing Newest Technologies to Inspect Overhead Lines with Traditional Methods: Global Trends & Case Studies (in English)

Mr. Massardo has had more than 30 years professional experience in management with focus on strategy and digital transformation. Over the past years, he has supported power supply companies across Latin America in introducing digitalization and data management into the OHL inspection process aimed at detecting defects....  » READ MORE

Maya Montoya, Juan Guillermo

Maintenance Management Specialist, ISA Intercolombia, Colombia

1. Managing Corrosion on Insulation of HV Transmission Lines in Areas of Severe Contamination (in Spanish)
2. Factors Affecting Performance of Zinc Sleeves on Glass & Porcelain I-String Versus V-String Insulators Operating in Areas of Marine Pollution (in Spanish)

Mr. Maya is an electromechanical engineer, specialist in automatic control systems. He has 35 years of experience in the maintenance of power transmission lines and electrical substations....  » READ MORE

Medina, Arnold

Transmission Systems & Protections Maintenance Coordinator, Chaglla HPP, Peru

Comprehensive Analysis of Lightning-Induced Faults & SOTF Protection Malfunctions in 220 kV Transmission Lines: Case Study of Chaglla Hydroelectric Plant (in Spanish)

Mr. Medina is an electrical engineer graduated from the Continental University in Peru, with a Master’s Degree in Maintenance Management from the National University of Callao, Peru. He has specialized the maintenance management of substations,...  » READ MORE

Patel, Poorvi

Manager, Strategic Insight, Technology Innovation, EPRI, United States

Online Bushing Monitoring Systems & Review of Updated IEEE Guide (in English)

Dr. Patel has many years of experience in transformers and transformer accessories such as bushings, including their online monitoring, forensics and diagnostics. She has also researched on how 24/7 monitoring of assets could be performed with a substation inspection robot. Poorvi has been a member of the PES of the IEEE since 2007 and is actively involved in the work of the IEEE/PES Transformers Committee....  » READ MORE

Porras, Leonardo Fabio

Comprehensive Maintenance Management Analyst, Intercolombia, Colombia

Increasing Reliability of Overhead Transmission Lines through Application of Line Surge Arresters: Experience in Latin America
(in Spanish)

Mr. Porras graduated from the National University of Colombia in 1996 and earned his Master’s Degree in Engineering in 2015. He currently works on the planning and evaluation of the maintenance of the electrical assets of ISA INTERCHILE and ISA BOLIVIA....  » READ MORE

Priatmadja, Rizally

Assistant Manager of Transmission Maintenance Planning & Evaluation, PLN Persero (Indonesia TSO), Indonesia

Optimizing & Validating EGLA Placement Design: Performance Review on 150 kV Transmission Line (in English)

Mr. Priatmadja received his B.A.Sc. from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Semarang in 2010 and his M.Sc from the Dept, of Electrical Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2019. He has worked for PT PLN (PERSERO) since 2010 and published several conference papers in the area of High Voltage and has 12 years of experience in research and maintenance of transmission systems....  » READ MORE

Putter, Hein

Product Manager, Testing & Diagnostics, Megger, Germany

Statistics & Experience with VLF Withstand Testing & PD Diagnostics of MV Cable Networks (in English)

Mr. Putter received his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Delft University of Technology in 2007. In his thesis “Investigation of Water Treeing – Electrical Treeing Transition in Polymeric Insulation of Service Aged Power Cables“, he investigated methods to determine the condition of service aged cables using several diagnostic techniques....  » READ MORE

Ramírez Pacheco, Carlos

Head of Network Special Studies & Compensation Dept., GIE, Comisión Federal de Electricidad, Mexico

Dealing with Variability of Lightning Discharges Density: Experience Protecting Transmission Lines in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula(in English and also in Spanish)

Dr. Ramírez Pacheco received his Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technological Institute of Puebla, his Master of Science Degree from the National Polytechnic Institute and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland....  » READ MORE

Rendón Llanos, Andrea

Line Engineering Coordinator, Interconexión Eléctrica, Colombia

Insulation Design for EHV Transmission Lines at Altitudes of 5000m: Challenges & Lessons Learned (in Spanish)

Ms. Rendón is an electrical engineer from the National University of Colombia, she is a Management Specialist from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and has a Master in Renewable Energy and Energy Sustainability from the University of Barcelona. She has 15 years of experience in the design of energy transmission lines,...  » READ MORE